Photo of Eniek Rivera Cruz Cuba

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Eniek Rivera Cruz, born November 20, 1981, resides at Calle 62 no. 4526, Consolacion del Sur, Pinar del Río. Self-taught painter from an early age has been...

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Eniek Rivera Cruz, born November 20, 1981, resides at Calle 62 no. 4526, Consolacion del Sur, Pinar del Río. Self-taught painter from an early age has been involved in painting workshops in the House of Culture "Mirta Aguirre" in Consolacion del Sur, both in competitions and events for children. He graduated on June 29, 2005 Vocational Academy of Art "Carlos Hidalgo Díaz" in the province of Pinar del Río.

From an early age participated in workshops and experimental paintings in the House''Aguirre Cultura''Mirtha Township Consolacion del Sur.

Exhibitions and events in which he participated:


1999, Personal exhibition, Art Gallery, Consolacion del Sur.

1999, Group exhibition, Art Gallery, Consolacion del Sur.

1999, Personal exhibition, Art Gallery, a municipality's Palacios.

2000, Group exhibition, Art Gallery, Viñales municipality.

2000, Group exhibition, Art Gallery, Consolacion del Sur.

2000, Personal exhibition, Communities and Consolacion del Sur.

2001, Group exhibition, Cinema Avellaneda, Consolacion del Sur.

2001, Personal exhibition, Municipal Museum of Consolation South.

2002, Group exhibition, House of Culture "Mirta Aguirre, Consolacion del Sur.

Group exhibition,''Open and Sisters''at the University of Pinar del Río.

2002, involved with the work "El Guajiro" in the National amateur artists event held in Havana in Cuba Pavilion La Rampa, Vedado.

2003, Personal exhibition, City Gallery, Consolacion del Sur.

2003, exhibition at the Municipal Event "consolareños Artists" in the municipality of Consolacion del Sur.

2003, Group exhibition, municipality of Viñales.

2003, two-person exhibition "Welcome to another Paradise" Film Avellaneda, Consolacion del Sur.

2003, two-person exhibition, Gallery of Prague Film of the province of Pinar del Río.

2004, two-person exhibition, Sala Real, Casa del Joven Creator, Pinar del Rio

2004, Personal exhibition, Gallery City of Palaces.

2004, Personal exhibition, Cinema Avellaneda, Consolacion del Sur.

2004, Group exhibition, City Gallery of Sandino.

2009, Personal exhibition, House of the Young Creator, Pinar del Río.


1996, first in the competition on the environment at the provincial level in Pinar del Río.

1999, mention in the competition of Fine Arts 39 Anniversary of the Nationalization of the Banking, "Pinar del Río.

1999, second prize in the First Hall of Landscape "José Candido Silva, Consolacion del Sur.

2000, second prize in the Second Hall of Landscape "José Candido Silva, Consolacion del Sur.

2000 First Prize at the IV Festival of Amateur Artists Provincial Tobacco Visual Arts, Pinar del Río.

2001, second prize at the Third Exhibition of Landscape "José Candido Silva, Consolacion del Sur.

2004, first in the Municipal Hall of Art "José Candido Silva, Consolacion del Sur.

2005, first in the Provincial Competition of the National Union of Workers of Culture Raul Gomez Garcia. "

2005, First National Competition Nacinal Union of Workers of Culture Raul Gomez-Garcia. "

2005, First National Competition "Rubén Martínez Villena" convened by the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba carried out in Villa Clara.

2005, first at the Provincial Hall Competition IV students and graduates of the Professional Academy of Fine Arts Carlos Hidalgo Diaz. "

2005, competed in the Provincial Arts Salon "14 December" in the Gallery Arturo Regueiro

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